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bottle topper


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Hi Everyone,


I am Brenton from Brisbane. I got my Home Brew kit for my birthday a couple of weeks ago and have so far made the Lager that comes with it (tasted that last night) and currently have a sparkling ale in the FV(day or two till it will be close to bottle time!)


My question, is as I am going to need to have a few conditioning at once, I am going to need a good way to put some caps on the tallies I have saved up. Any ideas on something effective/cheap that will make this process easy for me?





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Yes, the only way out if you have glass is to buy one and there are a few cheap cappers on EvilBay. If you got the DIY kit then just use the PET bottles that come with it. Alternatively if you can't afford a capper, you can get the PET bottles for around $1 each.

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Wing cappers are cheaper,if that's an issue. They're about15-18 dollars here,some around $12. Also,the oxygen absorbing caps may help retain aroma/flavors in the bottle longer. I'm going to experiment with that on my current batch. I'll report back on that in a few weeks to a month.

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Welcome Brenton.


I picked up my bench capper for $25 at K Mart when they sold homebrew supplies. I know BigW sells them but I couldn't tell you the price.


Caps are pretty cheap this way. I buy around 100 for $2.50 at BigW

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