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OG surprisingly low..


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Hey fellow brewers.

My first brew of beer today (I brew cider usually) using a Coopers Pale can and Enhancer #2.

Did a OG and it came in at 1030, very much surprised me. It took 500g of added white suger to kick it up to 1042 which is where I would of presumed it should of been considering the kit said this was typical.

I had mixed the hellout of it and tapped and made sure there were no bubbles on the Hydrometer. Am I missing something here?


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The most common mistake I see on all the forums is that new HB'rs usually don't get the top off water thoroughly mixed with the wort. Then take a hydrometer sample off the top,which is then a little low. Once it's in the fermenter & topped off,stir/shake like the bugger owes you money! For at least a few mins. It doesn't wanna mix easily. Then take your hydrometer sample,check,record,pitch yeast,seal. That should work more normally.

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I mixed the heck out of it and took my sample from my tap at the bottom. There's only two logical conclusions, 1: I didn't mix enough. but I did but I did! 2: The kit was for some reason lacking the sugars. (By one or two marks I could imagine, but not 10 or more points!)


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Hi David,


I reckon if you put those ingedients in to 23L it should have come in at about 1039.


Did you mix it to 23L?


Are you sure your hydrometer is giving true readings?


I'd be more worried about having too much simple sugars now that you have added 500g white sugar with the 500g of dex that is in BE2. But that is just my personal taste causing my concern.


Leonard - Most people down here brew in plastic fermentors and mix ingredients thoroughly with a big brewing spoon and we take sample from the tap at the bottom - more likey to give a high reading due to settled sediment.

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Yes tested Hydrometer on water and reads bang on. Also tested wort as I added suger, 300g then the extra 200g which got it to where I wanted it at 1042. I did'nt draw fromthe tap for the first test but subsequent samples were taken as I added the suger and these appeared to follow what i would expect considering the added sugars. All I can do is make an extra effort when mixing the next batch, even though I could swear I did this time,but I guess not enough.

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