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Fermentable help for a newbie


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Hi Michael,


Not sure what a mp is but if I was going to make a stout I would use PB2s recipe


Can of OS Stout

Can of OS Dark Ale

1kg of Dextrose

Made to 23L with both yeast sachets.


Makes an unbeleivably good stout.


If you add too much malt to a stout it will counteract the bitterness of the beer and you may end up with a stout that is malty.

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Thanks Matty...MP is mg when you "fat finger" it. :) Well, I got impatient and stirred it all up with the extra LDME. I don't have a can handy of the Dark Ale, so I guess this one will go under the "experiment" column. I'll hope for the best and let you know. Thanks again.

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Hi Michael


Your recipe is the same I used for my 2nd ever beer. Mine turned out a great early drinking beer that just got better the longer it was in the bottle, which wasn't long, as it got drunk.


It will work out great just by doing the basics which you read on this forum.


Good luck with it, and let us know how it turns out.

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Thanks Trusty - Imagine my relief when I saw your post from before about your favorite stout. Incidentally, I actually ended up using the BE1 with the LDME (on accident...grabbed the wrong box and didn't notice until it was half in), so it should still be ok I guess. :)


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Hey gents...I think I need some help. I started the brew mentioned here 6 days ago. OG was 1048. It's been between 22 and 24C. Yesterday, it was 1026 and today it was 1024. My question is, should I have added more yeast because of the extra 500mg of LDME or is this normal because of the extra sugar. I know that the instructions say it should be done in 6-7 days, but I just need some reassurance. How long do you think it should be in primary...Thanks from a newbie.

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hi michael,


i am wondering how much yeast you did use? probably one 7g packet, eh? i think thats enough. two would have been better. the fact that the S.G. is still droping is a good thing. i don't ever take a SG reading at 6-7 days so i can't say what it should be at that point. i normally leave my brews in a glass carboy for two weeks so you still have some time yet. i think the FG for your brew should bottom out at 1.012-1.014.



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Thanks Chad. I use the plastic kit that coopers sells, but I understand everything else you said. I'll let er go another day or two and check again. Would adding yeast now be beneficial to "kick start" it? (yes, it was 7g worth)

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i wouldn't add any more yeast unless the SG ceases to drop. i have never had a brew stop fermenting myself so i have never had to re-pitch yeast. i would wait for some of the other boys to weigh in on this.


i still think your brew will be fine in another week![rightful]

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Just let it sit there, you can add some more yeast if you like but as the gravity reading is dropping that means it is still fermenting.


I would wait till it stops fermenting and see what the gravity is, then if it is too high for my liking I would re pitch.

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