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irish stout final gravity


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Anyone know where the irish stout should end up?


I made it with 1 can of stout, 1 can of dark malt, and 200g of brown sugar.


I've been on holiday for a few days and came home to find it at about 1016, but with no condensation on the lid or foam on top of the brew... temp was down to about 18c. I was wondering if it had stalled, and if so, how much farther it had to go. Maybe it's finished... i'm not sure.


Any thoughts?

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It might just do that. It's already tasting quite nice.


My only concern was that it's pretty cold where i keep my kegs, probably about 15C, and if they're any fermenting left for it to do it won't be able to do it in the keg. Either way, if there's no SG change by tomorrow i reckon i'll put it in the keg.

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