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Good Stirer


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Ross, Black Jack,

I don't mash potatoes or mix pailt with it, I think it is good for stiring paint as that is what they are built for, spuds?

Because you don't have to break the surface with them to make the brew mix well and therefore no air getts mixed in the brew that makes them an A1 tool for mixing the sugar throughout the brew.

Muddy, sorry it took so long to get the 2 up but I had to buy myself a new camera just to please you. My other camera died on me.[pinched]

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Hey Weggl, When I saw your post about a good stirrer, I though you were talking about yourself.

Anyway, that might be a good stirrer for a beginner.

This is a photo of the stirrer that I use. [innocent]


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Trick Dicky, your a dick head, don't you understand that that stirrer of yours is only suitable for airating the brew when you first make it. It would be a usefull as tits on a bull when it comes to stiring in the sugar. It would put too much air in the brew and would stuff up the brew, be warned, "dont use it for that purpose".[roll]

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