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Yeast Sediment clinging to side of bottle


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Hi Guys,


I have a batch of Mexican Cerveza (tin + BE2 + coopers yeast). The bottles have been upright for 1 week at 22 degrees, and I noticed after checking a couple today that there are spots all around the inside of the bottle. All the bottles seem to have the same thing to varying degrees.


I am presuming that it is yeast that is clinging to the side of the bottle. I read on another forum that it could be static charge (seems weird to me) or the ability of the yeast to fall out of suspension.


I only value what I read on this forum, so should I be concerned?


I use PET bottles so I cant use a bottle brush to clean them, if the yeast remains on the side of the bottle will they be difficult to clean?




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Give a bottle a little swirl and see if that gets rid of it. I wouldn't be too alarmed about it. How did it taste and smell out of the fermenter. If it was ok then the beer is ok.


If the yeast stays their i normally 1/4 fill the bottle with water and put the lid back on and then shake the shit out of it. Gets rid of all the yeast of the walls and bottom.


Give it another week, crack one open and you will see that it is all ok.

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Hi Matty,


Gave a bottle a swirl as you suggested, a few spots did come away but most remained so they are clinging on tight..


The beer from the fermenter tasted fine, no sign of any infection that I could detect.


If it is just something cosmetic in the bottle and the beer turns out fine I am not concerned, apart from it being a bit tricky to clean, just wanted to make sure it was not an indicator of something more sinister!


I will give it another week or two and crack one open to check.


Thanks for your help



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Yeast doesn't always behave as expected. Clinging to the wall of bottles or even to the wall of the fermenting vessel can happen.


As long as the beer smells and tastes okay, things are good [biggrin]


The sediment should come away easily if you rinse immediately once the bottle is empty.


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Thanks for your help Paul and Matty, I feel reassured that all should be ok [happy]


I too am guilty on ocassion of not rinsing right away, usually for the same reason as you Matty.. [roll]



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Stewie,


The brew turned out fine, had no effect on the taste at all.


As for cleaning, just a few rinses and a good shake did the job, the yeast came away from the side of the bottles quite easily, I would suggest once each bottle is empty you do it straight away though, if the yeast drys it may not come away so easily.


If any little marks are still on the bottle after the rinse I would imagine a good long soak with Sodium Percarbonate (Coopers Sanitiser) would finish the job off nicely.



Dave [biggrin]

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Thanks Dave, I couldn`t resist trying one because when Isaw the bottle I freaked out. I could see a brew feeding the garden.[crying] However as per your brew it is delicious. Just rinsed well and all is good. Good to know I am still learning things. I must add this brew has the best head I have had in all my beers so maybe I have to find why the yeast did what it did.[happy]

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