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hops in Can. Blonde?

Canadian Eh!L

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Hi! Why to worry? Just brew it, Try it & change it for next time when not good enough! Shaz for Pilzener, Hallertau or Tetnanger for Lager. Goggle & find out the different available hops you can ad & which suit for what! Don't worry to try to copy Brew manufacturer recipes. You don't have the equipment & the knowledge to reproduce them anyway! Keep your brew records!!! so you can reproduce when some of your brew works out great! Good brewing! Steven

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[/quotHi! Why to worry? Just brew it, Try it & change it for next time when not good enough! Shaz for Pilzener, Hallertau or Tetnanger for Lager. Goggle & find out the different available hops you can ad & which suit for what! Don't worry to try to copy Brew manufacturer recipes. You don't have the equipment & the knowledge to reproduce them anyway!e]




it's all in the pursuit of making the best beer in the world![biggrin]


Knowledge is power![bandit]

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Hi! Canadian Eh!111111

"it's all in the pursuit of making the best beer in the world!"

MY advise did try to encourage you to do exactly that!

"Try it & change it"

"find out the different available hops you can ad & which suit for what!"

After all individual taste are different!Your pursuit is to make the best beer according to your taste! So you need to work it out which direction you want to go! More bitter? More malt? Different flavor? or aroma? Your words: "Knowledge is power!" So Learn! Not Copy! All the best! I open one for you as well! Cheers mate!! Steven

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hi steven,


i'm not trying to copy anything.[innocent] my initial post was just out of curiosity. i like the taste of the Canadian Blonde and wanted to know what the hops was. the rest of my blether was only in jest.

almost every brew i make is an experiment since finding ingredients around here can be tough at times. i do keep records of my recipes and am regularly trying new things. if i were to spend any more time "learning" about making beer the wife would have me move into the brewery permanently![pinched] what i'm trying to say is; i'm really into it! beer is almost always on the brain and in the belly[biggrin]


thanks for your input.


i think i may just go down to the cold room and crack my first of the day and i hoist it to you! the PUB is open every one![biggrin]


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Well,I've said it a couple of times before,so here we go again juan more time. Go to freshops.com,they have a great chart of many kinds of hops. Their common name,AAU's,what flavors/aromas they produce,what they're used for (bittering,flavor/aroma),& what style of beer they're typically used in. I refer to it all the time. You can buy from them too,but you have to buy at least 2oz of any kind,& 12oz's total. Ju like dat,huh? Ju wan more? Say hkello to my leel friend...Pssshhh,glugglug..aaaaah!

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lol. How true 1st ju get de money,then ju get de power,then ju get de weemen! Hey mang,ju know what a hassa is? it's a greedy peeg dat don fly straight no more! Blam blam! or should I say click,click BOOM! Aaanyway,I thought that hops chart would be good for everyone to learn from. Branch out a little,nick it a lil closer...

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While I like the concept of trying things myself and learning on the run it is also good to use tried and true recipes and techniques to learn from. Down the line you can tweak things as you see fit.


It isn't always feasible (or economical) to jump in head first. Nobody want to be making crap beers because then you have to drink them [pinched] .

So Learn! Not Copy!


I think in making beers as in making good food it is sometimes good to copy and then learn. Of course following your heart is always good but feeding on the knowledge of others is also of great importance.



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That's why I go to the fresh hop site,& other forums. So little time,so much to know...nowhere man ale,anyone? [biggrin] I learned enough to judge what to try,besides the good info on the hops chart that covers some of that stuff. And since I'm a pretty good cook,& learn fast (fomoco hated that sometimes),I came up with a recipe that'll be close to my target. Oh yeah,that means you guys too! So thanks for all the help,suggestions,etc. This is gettin fun!

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