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First brew logistics


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I just bought the DIY Coopers Home Brew Kit.

First thing as some may know, the fermenter bucket has no seal. Instead it has a Krausen Kollar insert and supposedly awesome plastic that reduces the possibility of contamination. Being a little sceptical on this new design I began to go about my brew.

I bought the Coopers Mexican Cerveza tin and used the brew enhancer1 that came with the kit. I did a little browsing on youtube for tips n tricks. I found most boiled a pot of water to add the brew enhancer and the tin (brew concentrate). This was my first mistake.

Turns out my mix was a little hot. After adding my boil up and cold water to 23lts, the mix was peeking at around 40 degres c. I figured bugger it and added my yeast. Funnly enough all was good. The fermentation process kicked of pretty much straight away and the next 6 days showed text book progress. On the 7th day my sg had settled and I had a taste sample and it was sensational !

All is now bottled (as of yesterday) and I'm now impatiently waiting on those babies fizzin up ready to be downed.


Moral of the story - Thinkin this caper must be fool proof, cause this fool screwed it and ended up with a great tasting brew !


Oh, and by the way, the non sealed new design collar bucket thang.. all good.. no signs of contamination. In fact after removing the collar on the third day, my brew was lookin pretty dam good.

Happy Days [biggrin]

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Welcome to the forum mate, the cerveza is a great drop. When brewed to exact coopers recipe is better than a Corona.


Now as Hombrewers we don't all brew to convention so even though you have boiled it still should be a fine beer, let us all know how it turns out.

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Thanx for the tip Mr Waters ! I went with the basics the second time round. Mixed with me 2 lts out of the kettle and the cold to fill. Tis sittin round 25, perfect !

For the record, I couldn't believe that I didn't kill the yeast on my first batch. The temp would have been over 40 degres (thats as high as my temp stat goes)

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I believe Coopers yeast is incredibly robust - I never measure pitching temp, and use up to 4 litres of boiling water. (although I reserve the right to revise this theory)


Possibly the sprinkling of it on top of your stirred foam (as per instruction) gives yeast a chance, (famous song), as opposed to stirring it in.


Hard as nails it is!

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