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Low Carbonation using Drops


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Hi All,


Having an issue with my latest brew, Aust Pale Ale, It fermenter for about 2 1/2 weeks using S-04 yeast at 22c, then bottled in Pet 640ml with 2 carb drops per bottle.


They have been sitting at 22-24c for the past 2 1/2 weeks, then in the fridge for about 4 days, opening these bottles they appear Flat with some bubbles, and really not much head.


Any ideas what has gone wrong?

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640ml PET??


S-04 tends to sediment very strongly in just 7 days, so the brew may not have sufficient yeast in suspension and may be a bit sluggish with the secondary fermentation.


Give them a shake to re-suspend the yeast and leave them above 18degC for another week or two.

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Yep, Coopers PET bottles are 740ml.


Our carbo drops are a source of sugar (sucrose and glucose) and nothing more. So, assuming you haven't put under-sized drops in, they will perform in the same way as a measured dose of white sugar.

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How did the beer Taste? Any off flavors? I read on morebeer.com's page all about off flavors/causes,& it sounds like maybe a spike in fermenter temps,or something else that made the yeast flocculate too quickly. It's not good for beer to sit on dead yeast too long. Too much to state here,but go have a look. Those sort of things can cause the problem your having,to my knowledge...

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The beer tastes fine, the yeast isnt dead as far as I can tell, and the fermentation was at a higher temp yes, however the s04 did its job very quickly and was stable temp during those first few days.


There are no off tastes, no diacetyl and no bad aroma's, the only issue is the carbonation

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