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A toucan virgin.


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Just about to put down my first toucan (Pale Ale, bought reduced yesterday from c@**s) and was wondering if you use both packets of yeast? Also what ABV would this come out at using just the 2 cans and no other sugars.

Cheers in advance.



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We often suggest as an alternative, to those who can't get BE2 or Light Dry Malt, 2 x Australian Pale Ale beer kits made to 25litres, no other sugars and use both sachets of yeast. Makes a beer at around the 4.5% mark.


If you don't have other yeast to use, pitch all the yeast that comes with the kits, toucan = 2 sachets, 3 cans = 3 sachets , etc.

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Thanks for the quick reply. Have got another question, have only got 30 bottles available(other 30 have got the Euro Lager I bottled yesterday and only have 60 in total) so am therefore only making to 23 litres. Will this have much effect on the ABV? Will it bump it up to 4.75-5%?





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