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Steeping Grains with Coopers Sparkling Ale


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I'm from Canada and my local brew shop is finally going to be getting in the Cooper's Sparkling Ale. I've been dying to try that kit forever.


I was thinking about steeping some grains to get some sugar and flavor for the brew. Can anyone recommend what kind of grains to steep and how much Liquid Malt extract to use with the can?





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Hi Paul,


I haven't got any grains to recommend but I would strongly recommend doing ti as per instructions first off. It is pretty true to the real thing and is even better if you can re-culture some yeast from a 6 pack of Pale Ale stubbies.


Coopers Sparkling Ale




1.7kg Thomas Coopers Sparkling Ale


1.5kg Thomas Coopers Light Malt


500g Coopers Light Dry Malt


300g Dextrose/Sucrose




Place the Coopers Light Dry Malt into a sanitised, drained fermenter, add 2 litres of hot water.


Immediately pick the fermenter up and swirl the contents until dissolved (approx 15 secs) - this method avoids lumps.


Mix the balance of ingredients with a spoon until dissolved.


Top up to the 23litre mark.


Add contents of the yeast sachet (or add re-culture yeast)

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Hi Muddy!


Thanks for the reply.

I won't have access to Coopers malts. Can I substitute 1.5kg with pale Liquid Malt Extract? And Do I really need another 500g of Dry Malt? Or can I just go up to 2 Kilos of Liquid Malt?

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I agree with Muddy try as close to recipe as you can the first time but I found it a bit sweet. Even that I love my brews I still buy 2 real Sparkling stubbies after work everyday. Someone made a comment about this and they recommended.

Coopers Sparkling kit

1kg Coopers BE2

To 21 Ltrs

Not as sweet and cheaper to make!!

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