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Brewing ? - Air Lock not bubbling.


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Hi, I have tried my second brew an Aussie Pale ale 3 days ago (wed). All good inclusive of the missus lending me a quilt to wrap around the fermenter to keep the temp at 25o. I didnt record the used by date of the yeast as I am not in the habit yet, but I did look at the can which I got from K Mart at the back of the shelf and the used by date was about 12 months.


Anyway I can see a scum ring in the fermenter, there is condensation on the top of the lid and it appears to be foamy on the top. All good signs to me. But the air lock has not operated like it did with the Lager. I assume that air could be escaping elsewhere, but when I press in on the side of the barrel I can see the air lock water level move.


Do I have anything to worry about or is this usual for Aussie Pale Ale.




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Greetings Sunsett,


I had the same symptoms with my first 2 brews, ie condensation and froth on the top, but no airlock activity.


I eventually found out by tipping the fermenter up with water in it during the cleaning process that the seal around the screw on lid was leaking. I discovered that to make it seal required a lot of force so now use a lever gadget I made. Maybe you have disturbed the sealing ring for cleaning in between this and your previous brew when the airlock was working ok?

Anyway, my first 2 brews of Draught without airlock activity came out great so as one prolific contributor to this forum says, repeatedly, ignore the airlock!


Best of brewing luck!!

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Thanks Everyone,


well in short if you know a guy that can strip a thread by looking at it or burr a phillips head by showing it a screwdriver, then thats me. I was a little apprehensive about over tightening the lid but I have just given the lid an almighty tighten and you already know what I am going to say, yes the air lock is now working. I guess the test of squeezing the side of the barrel is not fool proof.


As for the wise words of wisdom from MW, I should have mentioned that I was well aware and have taken note, but there is nothing like the sound of your air lock burping.


Again thanks for giving me the confidence to tighten the lid.

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but there is nothing like the sound of your air lock burping.


Really?? I can think of a many things that sound better than air-lock activity...


Here's one - the sound made by the instructional DVD when played.


Here's another - the sound of cling wrap being cut from the roll.

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I've just come from Chris' thread saying his LHBS bloke thought my advice on heating was a complete crock (using a bit of melodramatic license there) to this thread where my adcive is seen as "wise words of wisdom". I think I like it here better.


I'll admit that the sound of an active airlock is comforting but it is all too much hard work - Glad Wrap is just too easy and you can see what is going on in the fermentor. Just record the airlock sound and put it on a loop if it makes you feel better.

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but there is nothing like the sound of your air lock burping.


Really?? I can think of a many things that sound better than air-lock activity...


Here's one - the sound made by the instructional DVD when played.


Here's another - the sound of cling wrap being cut from the roll.


I guess if you have been around brewing for a little while you can make a smart comment like that. But try and remember back when you made your first couple of brews.


I dont remember anything about cling wrap as any reference to cling wrap has been erased from my memory since watching Bad Boy Bubby. So looks like I will have to give the instructional dvd another watch.

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Sunsett, having watched the instructional dvd 3 times before making my 1st brew in January and am now on my 6th effort. I have never once seen or heard my airlock bubble, I feel like I'm missing out though from what I see on here. NOT.



All my brews have turned out good. All have good krausen which is the main thing I look for regards fermentation. I see some people lose the lid and use shrink wrap, its as short as it is long. The condensation on the lid does make it a bit tricky to see in but I use a torch. Great invention.

Take what FREE advice and tips you can from this forum and apply to your circumstances and preferences. People are here to help.



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Sunsett - I don't believe you'll hear or see anything about cling wrap on the DVD but you will hear about it plenty here or on other HB sites.


The gist is this - Toss out your lid and your airlock and instead cover the top of your fermentor with a piece of gladwrap secure with the o ring from your lid (or a rubber band) and make a pinhole for air to escape. It is easy to replace if you have a very active krausen, you can see in the top to see what is happening, and you don't have to remember to remove the airlock when taking a sample or moving the fermentor.


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Thanks for clearing up the cling wrap thing, had missed that piece of info in the few posts I read but I only started 3/4 weeks ago and this is the only forum I have read which has proven to be quite informatve.


I took a lot of notice about "Ignore the air lock" and the "Beer Triangle" and the only reason I mentioned the air lock is a comparison between my first where it worked and my second where it didnt. Now that I have done a few brews I have the confidence to waver from the instructions and try new things.


Martyn obviously I appreciate the knowledge passed on willingly to a raw beginner and I am one of the most sarcastic people I know, but there is also a way of doing it. I also appreciate that some of the master brewers must be sick of saying the same thing over and over so I am trying to pick up on these basics.


Out of interest I have a friend who is a food and wine writer for some major papers. Went there for tea last night and took a couple of my first brew, the lager that came with the kit, which was brewed by the book. Let me say they were quite apprehensive about trying it, but when they did couldnt believe how good it was and kept the left overs for today. I say that is a pat on the back for Coopers not me to make it easy for a raw beginner to brew up some reasonable beer using the basics.

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I hear you Sunsett. I've had the same experiences with friends and family sampling my creations. My cousin, who drinks XXXX Gold for heavens sake, turns his nose up at my homebrew at family barbies. Yet other family and friends give it the thumbs up.


I personally don't see what the issue is with the lid and airlock v. cling wrap. Like I said apply tips and advice to your own circumstances. The lid and airlock work for me so wont be changing anytime soon.


And I agree with you, it must grate a little answering the same questions over and over from us newbies.


Happy brewing.



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