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Buying Coopers in Auckland


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I usually buy Coopers from our supermarket, New World Victoria Park Auckland City.

3 weeks ago I got an old batch from best after nov 2014, flat and sour.

When the floor manager refused refund, I threw a wobbly, then on Monday morning, rang the head office, was told I could get a refund, then spoke to the higher-up supermarket manager, and was again told I could get a refund.

Went back and got dicked around by the floor manager once again, but after 20 minutes, was refunded.


I was gonna contact Coopers over this poor handling of their fine products: the warehousing with bright lights and large temperature fluctuations, the in-store shelving with spot lights shining on the beer, the old stock being poorly managed that is being offered to customers.... ruining Coopers reputation!!


I really felt for Coopers Brewery, to have such morons ruining the nectar of the gods....


However, it forced me to study up on beer longevity, handling and such, things I had never considered before, and felt vindicated that I was correct. So, I as usual went back to New World Victoria Park to shop, each time checking the dates on the Cooper beers. Still old stock!


Tonight I noticed new stock, Pale Ale best after 15/05/2015 so bought the beer.

OMG it was like being reborn and gone to heaven!

After 3 weeks with no beer, I nearly cried.


The Stout they had on the shelf is still best after ../9/14, almost 10months old!! and worse for wear after their poor warehousing temp/light protocols and excessively lit in-store shelving....


Anyhoos, to get to the point, maybe you guys at Coopers Brewery need to sack the Auckland distributor or tune the supermarket owner [Jason Witehira, hes probably totally unaware of the situation....], as your superior product has been/is being debased by moronic twits.

Jewels cast before swine.

Its not he first time I have had to get a refund from them for old Coopers, and not the first time I just drunk it cause I didn't want to make a fuss.... I never checked the date's before and my palate was less refined.....


I now sit smiling after 1000mls of good pale ale, and look back on all this hoo-ha as a learning experience.


What have I learnt?

-Most people are morons, especially tea totalling floor managers of supermarkets.

-Intelligent beer drinkers don't always consume good beer, or at the right temperature.


I'm still waiting for new stock of the stout and sparkling ale, but more than happy with the pale ale.


This has been a tipping point for me, so I have been reading up on emigrating..... maybe to SA as I like a puff every now and again too, as well as good beer and cab sav.

I am a good maintenance engineer/electrician, anyone know of any jobs in SA?

I contracted to Carlton Brewery when I lived in Sydney in the 80's, and worked in WA too.


NZ is okay, but most of our beers suck. Many are made with highly chlorinated/fluoridated tap water, even many expensive boutique beers!!

prolly 90% of our consumed beer is made with tap water....

Also I cant source Cascade anymore, their chocolate stout was nice too. Sigh, sob....

Sorry to go on like this, I needed to get it all off my chest.

Coopers beer is one of the few good things in my life.









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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats no good Scissorhands. A shame because that particular branch of New World usually has one of the best selections of beer in this fair city.


But the real reason I am commenting is that I am currently lapping up and loving a Chilean beer I bought as a dated going cheap special at a wine merchant - Torobaya or something its called. Its over a year out of date but is absolutely delish. So obviously storage is an issue as you say, as they approach end of life. This Chilean must have been sitting in a cool dark warehouse and thriving. A big warm Newcastle Brown Aley thing she is - not what I was expecting in a Latino.

But it also begs the question 'why wait so long before discounting it or moving it on?


King Dicks in Glen Eden always seems to have Cascade.

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