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Sweetness advice required


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I am pretty new to brewing and have made enough mistakes already to rather ask your advice today than brewing another batch that is way to sweet or way to dry and bitter.


I have made the TCS Irish Stout as per below:

I have tried adding 500g DME and 300g Dextrose (recipe on tin) - This is too thin, too dry and too bitter.

I have tried adding 1500g DME and 0g Dextrose - This has generous mouth-feel, but is too sweet and it could be a bit drier.


What should I try? 1000g DME with ???g Dextrose? Or should I just use less DME until I find the sweet-spot. I guess a final gravity of around 1015+ will work.


Thanks for any advice


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Hey MW


I've brewed a few stouts and a few Porters, but prefer the IPAs and APAs. But I will say your Avatar is the best since the Coopers Kylie.


Taste is very subjective, even my sweet stout wasn't too sweet to my tastes.

I also did an Irish Stout with LDM, Choc Malt Grain, dark brown sugar and roasted barley. Again not too sweet.


How about a two can: Stout and Dark Ale, you'll get the mouthfeel from all that malt plus you'll get an extra kick in bitterness from the two hoped Malt cans?

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Hi Scottie


I have to agree with you on sweetness being subjective. The last stout I drank (from the way too sweet batch) turned out pretty tasty. Maybe I am just getting used to the sweeter stout now.


The bitterness from two brew tins may be a bit much I suspect, but I will keep that option as a last resort.


Thanks for the kind words re my avatar (actually a photo of my beer label) and for the advice.



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