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I've found the hop for my Abbey Ale


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Well it was right under my nose, Topaz.

Went around to my mate\u2019s place with a couple of home brews, my English Pale Ale with Topaz additions and Thames Valley ale yeast. This is the same mate I shared a six pack of New Norsica Abbey Ale with last month. Straight up he said "this tastes like the Abbey Ale just not as strong" and you know what it kinda does.


So I hope to modify Graham's Belgian Recipe to brew an extract version of the Abbey Ale.

So this is what I've got


1.5kg Coopers Light Malt Extract

1.2kg Coopers Light Dry Malt

200g CaraMunich

100G CaraAroma

100g Special B

500g Candi Sugar

Topaz 15g @ 40 mins (%AA 16.2)

Topaz 15g @ 15 mins (AA 16.2)

Wyeast 3787

Pitch and ferment at 20'C


So this is a Belgian Pale Ale, any feedback from anyone who has done a Belgian using unhopped malt extract would be much appreciated.


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