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Scottish Export


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Hello and marry christmas to all of you!

I started a new batch of beer yesterday, a Scottish Export.

1 can of Geordie Scottish Export 1,5 kg

1 can of Coopers amber malt extract 1,5 kg

1 box og Coopers brew enhancer 2

addea water to 22,5 ltr.

Rehydrated 22 g of Nottingham yeast.

Got an OG at: 1072

Fermenting at 20 - 22\xb0C

Today the gravity was at : 1044


What is the most likely FG?

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well i wouldnt worry too much for at least another week as long as maintaining those good steady temps. Being a high gravity brew always leave it longer anyway. but 2 days of constant gravity readings means its finished fermenting.


A guess would be around 1016 to 1020 making it around 7% but just a guess.

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FG of around 1016 sounds good, although the OG of 1072 seems a bit high. Wouldn't expect much more than 1060 based on your ingredients, about 6% ABV. Did you discard your first sample from the FV, about half a Hydro tube, before drawing a sample to test?


Compliments of the season

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Did you discard your first sample from the FV, about half a Hydro tube, before drawing a sample to test?


Compliments of the season


NO! Is that very important?

I got the FV temp. at exactly 20\xb0C so I was very exited and just filled one tube up.

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The OG would have been around 1059. You probably had some sugars still undissolved. OR.... you may not have discarded a sample prior to taking the reading.


Your FG should be about 1013 with ABV at 6.2% which is 6.7% in the bottle.


Just remember to run a little off before taking a reading and you should taste it to get an idea of how it is going. This will also enable you to pick up any possible infection that maybe occurring.

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