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Mexican Cerveza + 1kg LDM


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Hi guys,


I would like to add just a bit more flavour to the Mexican Cerveza kit, whilst it is nice and clean it is just a touch watery for my taste, which I know is true to the style but not quite where I want it to be.


If I were to brew with 1KG of LDM, which should give the same body and ABV as BE2, will that give a more full flavour to the beer?


Also, I can detect no real bitterness to the brew, again true to the style, however if I wanted to bump that just a fraction to give a slight bitter finish, which hop and would dry hopping do the trick?


Cheers guys

Dave [biggrin]

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Thanks for your link BillK, missed it when searching around.


Going to try Pauls short mix recipe, kit + 500g LDM + 100g dextrose mixed to 20L, the extra dextrose should give me about ABV 4.5. I hadnt thought of just mixing a lesser volume to concentrate the flavour slightly (silly me).




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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I was going to make the Cooper's Mexican Cerveza per the can instructions (i.e. add 1Kg of brew enhancer 2). Wasn't paying attention, and added 1Kg of brew enhancer 1. Has anyone used the BE1 with the cerveza can. Thanks in advance.

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To be quite frank Frank, (sorry couldn't resist [innocent] ) I think you might find it a bit dry and thin/watery. BE1 is 60% dextrose 40% Maltodexrin which may might help a little. BE2 has 50% Dex and 25% LDM and 25% Malto. There is not much difference in the dextrose but the big difference is the added malt which would provide a bit more body and mouthfeel. (albeit not a great deal)

Note everything you have done and next time adjust to suit what you are after. It will still be a drinkable without a huge difference.

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A question for you Bill, my brew has reached final gravity (1010) and activity has pretty much stopped. It is two days before I have time to bottle it and I imagine it will be very clear by that time.


I have read other posts where brewers have said that it is a great idea to let the brew settle for a few days after it finishes primary fermentation. If the brew is very clear when bottling is there still enough yeast left in suspension for the bottle conditioning? I would hate to end up with 27 bottles of nice yet flat beer!




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Yeah David, there will be plenty still active ready to carb your bottles :)


A lot of people leave it for another week (some 2-3) or so after FG and the yeast actually clean up after themselves. Not only this but some people also crash chill the primary to get as much yeast to drop out of suspension without any problems.

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