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Toucan Tricks


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Hi guys,


I'm playing more with the toucans now as I can buy OS and International cans cheaper than the same weight in LME (unhopped) - but have found my toucan APA right up on the bitter end. Nice but requires attention when drinking.


I was thinking that given the Mexican Cerveza is the lightest (270) could that be added as a LME to any other kit?


Say - toucan APA and the mexican?

How about the Stout and mexican for a less bitter version? (with other extras too of course!).



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One option might be to increase the brew volume to 25 litres.


This is something we suggest when a customer says they can't get BE2 - 2 x Australian Pale Ale beer kits made to 25 litres and both sachets of yeast [biggrin]

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  • 1 month later...

Did a toucan of Coopers Canadian blonde and Real ale, 250g LDM. no hops, 23litres, OG1058 FG 1012. tasted nice after aging for three months bottled, slight bitterness but still with good boody and mouth feel.


Cheers, Ivan[wink]

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hi carl,


i've had success with using 1 1/2 cans. i just put some wax paper and an elastic band on the extra half can and put it in the frig for later.


1 can OS real ale

1/2 can Can. blonde

1 Kg BE1

23 L water

14 g cooper's yeast

189 g dex (bulk prime)

OG 1.052 FG 1.012 ABV 5.8%


i used the other 1/2 can in an all malt IPA hopped with cascade

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