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Märzen Pale Ale


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As an experiment for an Oktoberfest beer, I've just put this recipe down:

1.7kg Coopers Australian Pale Ale can

1.5kg Liquid Light Malt

12gms Hallertau (steeped 15mins)

12gms Tettnanger (steeped 15mins)

15gms Hallertau (dry hopped)

Yeast supplied with kit

Mixed to 23 litres


I'm calling it my M\xe4rzen Pale Ale (yes yes I know M\xe4rzen is a lager, but I'm playing by my own rules)


I thought I'd have a go at making something similar to Samuel Adams Boston Lager. From what I have gleaned from their website this is the combo of hops they use. I don't percieve a lot of bitterness in the Boston Lager so I am hoping for flavour and aroma from the hops, hence why I didn't boil.


My aim is to get the yeast going and then drop the temp down as low as it can cope with (16deg). I see the benefit of using the Australian Pale Ale kit and yeast is that if my temp control doesn't work, I still end up with a decent beer (hopefully).


Any thoughts?

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Sounds good to me [biggrin] It's not very much like a M\xe4rzen, due the the ale yeast (as you've already stated) and also the hop aroma (of which a M\xe4rzen should have none) and hop flavour (which in a M\xe4rzen should be low to none). But your playing by your rules, so just give it a whorl and it will probably turn out delicious. [lol]

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This is really an attempt at a Sam Adams Boston Lager (using an ale/lager yeast).


To be honest I know nothing about M\xe4rzen, only that it is drunk sometimes at Oktoberfest (although I never saw it at Oktoberfest when I was there...?) I read that M\xe4rzenbier is German for 'March Beer' and it is still March. After putting this recipe down I discovered that the colour of a M\xe4rzen is more amber rather than light.


I like the word though! I'm not letting the facts get in the way of a good beer...


Perhaps I can rename it victory ale, after the Socceroo's 2-1 defeat of Germany this morning...

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When I was at Oktoberfest we spent most of our time in the L\xf6wenbr\xe4u Tent, although I did venture into some of the more traditional tents. I can (vaguely) remember L\xf6wenbr\xe4u Oktoberfest being more hoppy than the other beers such as Hofbr\xe4u.


Augustiner was a good drop too...

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