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Gingerbeer nee gingerwine so so flat


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G'day i made an alcoholic gingerbeer (coopers kit plus 2kg raw sugar, boiled ginger and lemon zezt and juice, cloves etc). It took sometime to ferment out but finished at around 996. i bottled into PETs with 2 drops per bottle but it is so so flat. it looks and tastes more like a stones green giner wine than a ginger beer. Any thoughts on why it hasnt carbonated? Cheers

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Russell, welcome to the forum & the world of home brewing.


How long has it been since bottling your ginger beer & what temp have you stored them at since bottling?


I have had brews that have carbed up in PETs in 4-5 days & others that have taken 12-14 days.


I haven't tried the alco ginger beer brew so I can't give you a difinitive answer, but there will be someone on here that has & may be able to help you more.

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