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Dry Hopping


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I wonder if the results are worth the trouble. I have two brews kegged that a 2 weeks apart.


EB 4

Coopers English Bitter

800g LDM

300g Crystal 120

12g S04

25g of EKG at day 4, 14 days in FV at 18'C.


Stella IPA

Coopers IPA

750g LDM

150g Dextrose

400g Crystal 120

12g S04

Stella 10g @ 7 mins

Stella 15g @ 3 mins

Stella 25g steeped

14 days in FV @ 18'C


The problem (if you can call it that) is that the EB tastes exactly the same as the last two whereas the Stella IPA is a totally different beast to the Kilted IPA.


This has been my experience each time I have dry hopped and I am starting to believe that 25g is not enough to produce results. But if you need more than that, wouldn't a short boil or 30 minute steep be more efficient?


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At various stages, hops add different things, ANY boil will boil off volatile compounds, the later in the boil = more of those compounds remain, this is why a 0 min or whirlpool addition adds the most by way of aroma.


So the answer is yes and no [roll]


The often quoted figure of 1g per L is really only a guide until you more understand what you like... Ive never heard of anyone going down in their hopping amounts... only up [whistling



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