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Brew No.10 Is ready to be bottled! :D




Hi to all @ Coopers & thanks for making great homebrewing products.




This is my first time posting on this site but have read quite a few of the previous messages with interest and have gained valuable knowledge from them - thanks members.




I first brewed Coopers about 12 years ago with great success, but from age 18 moved home quite a few times and brewing was put on the back burner for a while.


But X-Mas 2002 I received a gift voucher from Kmart who at the time had 25% savings store wide, I snapped up my new Coopers Brew kit for a real bargain. - Havn't looked back since. (except for my new beer gut!)




I've set my self up quite well with an old fridge and heating controller which keeps the temp within 0.5Cels.


Yet to find a thermostat for the cooling side of things, perhaps an old airconditioner thermostat? Theyr'e in the right temp range.


Got 90 or so old style longnecks off E-Bay for $8. Can't go wrong.




Anyway thanks again Coopers.




Cheers - Martin

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Good to hear that you have got back into brewing!




You are not alone...many people brew for a while, give it the flick (for whatever reason) then come back to it.




Actually, it would be interesting to hear from others who have started stopped then started...why did you stop?




Moving, cleaning bottles, bad brews, lack of time, partner hated the smell/mess, no storage space, won lotto etc.




I have set up a poll...if you want me to add a reason let me know.

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Why did I stop brewing :?:


Well, I'm not sure. Probably lots of reasons.


* I was younger - 18.


* No one else I knew brewed.


* Mother was worried her garage would blow up!


* Moved house 5 times.


* Not enough patience.




Why did I start brewing again :?:


Again, probably lots of reasons.


* I've got the taste for different beers, other than regular beers eg. VB, Carlton Draught, etc.


* I've thought about it for 12 years.


* Settled down a bit.


* tasted beer from more experienced brewers and realised that as good a beer as comercial beers can be brewed at home.




Why do I still brew and why is my beer better than in the past :?:


* I do have more patience.


* It's a good hobby that tastes great!


* My wife and daughter get involved in the brewing and bottling.


* Met other people who brew, and took mental notes on their techniques, equipment and gadets.


* Tinkering with the brew fridge and gadgets is half the fun.




Cheers - Martin

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