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Many homebrewers are advocates of bulk priming. Bulk priming certainly has benefits over priming each bottle individually.




You describe a foaming problem that doesn't happen all the time... I need more information to pinpoint the probable cause so here are a few points you may want to look at.




Causes of foaming: residual sugar in brew, overpriming, oxygenating after primary fermentation, infection, beer not cold enough, warm glassware.




  • Ensure you have achieved FG before bottling.

If priming with Sugar/Dextrose prime at the rate of 8g per litre.

Rack and stir the beer very gently when bulk priming to ensure minimal oxygen is introduced to the brew.

Ensure thorough cleaning and sanitising of your bottles.

Chill your bottles down to 4C before serving.

Pour into a clean, cool glass.[/list:u]

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Thanks you hit the nail on the head!! Ha after talking to my fellow partner in brewing. We found that he had marked out the Fermenter at 22 litres not 23. This is probably the cause.


Yes the beeer is chilled so are the glasses.


Merry Christmas to all and thanks


regards, Paul

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I have also had this problem and there has also been the occasional exploding bottle. I use the bulk priming method and my theory is that if the sugar solution goes into the fermenter first then there is a small amount of extra sugar solution in the fermenter tap causing potential problems in the first bottle. The fix was easy...rack the brew first then add the sugar solution and stir.




A very Merry Christmas to all

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