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Beer Enhancer question


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Hi Brewers,


After this forum guided me through my first brew (to a very tasty result I might add!) I turn to you again before I've even started my second brew.


I'm keen to understand the impact of using Coopers Brew Enhancer 2 instead of number 1?


I'm brewing the Irish Ale recipe from the Coopers site, which says I need Brew Enhancer 1, but I only have a pack Brew Enhancer 2. What is impact or potential consequence of using number 2 instead?


As a novice, I'm not really sure impact the Brew Enhancer has other than fuller body and head, which would lead me to think it's OK to go with 2 - Or am I setting myself up for failure from the start?


Any thoughts? Cheers, Jon

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Hi Jon,


Many of the guys on here will tell you to steer away from the Brew Enhancers (of any brand), but some will also say they work for them.


The difference between BE1 and BE2 is that BE2 has 25% Malt extract, 50% Dextrose, and 25% Maltodextrin. As opposed to BE1 which is just Dex and Maltodex.


BE2 will give you slightly more body and mouthfeel to the beer than BE1 will.


Saying that, I've only used BE1 for my very 1st beer, and since then ditched them and gone to malt extracts.


So short answer to your question. Only better things can come from using BE2 as opposed to BE1 [cool]

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Thank you Smithy and BillK, that's great.


I'll push ahead with BE2 since I have it.. brew #3 I'll try a move away from brew enhancers.


Thanks again, helpful as always! Cheers

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