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Head and no head


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Hi all,


I've recently made a Fruit Salad Ale (needs a much better name than this by the way, sounds like my Aunty named it) which is my 3rd brew and by far the best so far, I'm well chuffed with it. I went camping this weekend and shared it around a few mates. They loved it and reckoned it was better than One Fifty Lashes, which we were drinking alongside.


Anyway, bragging over, I have a slight problem. Some of them are coming out with a beautiful big head which lasts a decent amount of time, but some come out sort of flat, with barely a head at all. They still taste good, (although I'm sure the ones with the head taste creamier) but just haven't quite got the quality of some of the others. It's weird.


They were all from the same batch, about 5 weeks old (bottled), same amount of carbonation (2 drops) and all tight caps etc etc.


Any ideas why there might be a difference?


cheers jay

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