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Stout whoa!


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Hey guys, just bottled by brew of original stout....i'm keen on a dark beer from time to time and after a taste while doing the final hydrometer test found this brew to be rather strongly bitter, my question is, will this "strongness" mellow with bottle time?


I know stouts are by nature "strong and full"tasting beers - I added some cinnomon into the brew to try and mellow out the usual stout kick and just for somethign a little different.....so far it doesnt seem to have made any difference.


Cheers for any ideas...


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Yes the bitterness will mellow with time in the bottle. Just give it time, and remember don't drink it too cold. When it's too cold all you'll be able to taste is bitter burnt charcoal[pinched], where as if it's a little warmer it becomes a lovely aromatic flavourful beer. [love]

As for the cinnamon, you might find that once the beer has been in the bottles for a while and everything starts to balance out, you'll be able to pick up the cinnamon. Or maybe the amount of cinnamon was too low... but that's all part of experimenting. [lol]

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Hey cheers for that info.....was under the impression that would be the case - just wanted someone elses experiences to verify....how long would you suggest I play the waiting game...? ( I leave most of my brews for 3 months before tasting....




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Gawd damn.....nearly lost this brew as well![pinched]


Christchurch had another day of big shakes last Monday - 5.6mag earthquake, followed an hour later by another 6.3mag jolt - luckily I had bottled this brew in time and didnt have it all over the kitchen floor like last time......Think someone doesnt want me to do home-brewing????[crying]


More damage round the city, thankfully no lives lost this time.....so damn frustrating!



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