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RE Coopers Beer Kit - Yeast Which Kit yeats is which


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Hey PB2 or anyone that knows.

I took all the kit yeasts from the lids and put them in the fridge. Which is which. I didn't label. I got real ale and english bitter and Coopers selection draught and pilsener kits.

Gold packets and white packets. Can anyone confirm if the Gold packs are ALE and the White ones are lager yeasts. THe pils and says it has a true lager yeast and with cooler wather I want to use the lager yeast for my pils or draught.?



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From this post you will be able to identify the yeasts based on the code printed on the sachet: http://www.coopers.com.au/the-brewers-guild/talk-brewing?g=posts&t=1803


The Real Ale and English Bitter both have the same yeasts (in the gold packets). The Traditional Draught yeast is a mixture of both ale and lager yeasts and comes in a white packet, the code stamped on the packet should end in "PS". The Pilsner has a true lager yeast and comes in a white packet, the last part of the code on the yeast packet should read "P". The white packets are from the Thomas Coopers range, the other ranges have gold packets, so the colour of the packet has nothing to do with it's contents. [joyful]


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Any suggestion for a dry hop on this. In stock I got Hallertau, Cascade. Amirillo and POR. I don't think I will be using POR for dry hop, I know that much.


I am doing default recipe, TC Traditional draught with 1.5 KG tin Light Malt coopers extract.



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Any suggestion for a dry hop on this. In stock I got Hallertau, Cascade. Amirillo and POR. I don't think I will be using POR for dry hop, I know that much.


I am doing default recipe, TC Traditional draught with 1.5 KG tin Light Malt coopers extract.


This kit is already aroma hopped with cascade, so if your looking to increase aroma I would just go with the cascade. In saying that it is good to experiment, so maybe go with the Hallertau as Snags suggested.

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