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Can I salvage a low alcohol, high final SG


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Hi all,

I have put an Irish Stout and Canadian Blonde into the ferment fridge, after 7 days both are a lower than expected final S.G

Details are:


Irish Stout

21 litres

Brewmaster Irish Stout tin

Coopers Dark Mlat 1.5 Kg

5 gm green bullet hops

Kit yeast

OG .042

Yeast pitched 25 deg

Ferment temp 18.5 deg

7 days in ferment, last 3 days constant SG @ .016

This gives me alc vol of 3.5% to low for me, could live with 4.5%


Cannadian Blonde

21 Litres

700 gm BE2

400 gm Coopers light malt

3 Gm green bullet hops

Kit yeast

OG .037

yeast pitch 29 deg

ferment temp 18.5 deg

7 days in fermenter last 3 days SG .010

Alc vol 3.6 % I can live with this, but would of expected FG to be lower.


I have now over the last day increased temp to 22 deg to try to get the last out of it.

Was thinking of adding some dextrose to the stout to bump up the alcohol, will this work? will I need more yeast or could I just stir it up?

I will keg these beers, although I am thinking of bulk priming the stout to keg to get the Alc vol up, but can't really afford the down time.

Do these SG readings look right, do you get a higher FG using malt?

Also does a force carbonated stout work out O.K

I think I'v exceeded my question quota!

Any advice appreciated.




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Don't be too stressed about the expected alcohol level - make beer for the taste rather than effect.


Yes, malt extract contains complex sugars, etc. that remain in the brew and give a higher FG.


You could add dextrose or white sugar to increase the alcohol - add it without stirring and make sure to dissolve it in hot water first - adding dry product to the fermenting brew could result in an eruption.


Yes, you can force carb any beer really...

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Thanks for the prompt reply PB2,

I am trying to avoid using sugers if I can but I'm also looking to hit around 4.5 %Alc vol on my beers. Good point on the Taste, as that is why I stopped brewwing a few years back. Have now got a good set up. So should be thankfull both brews taste great!

Forgetting the SG readings, and going off the stout recipe I used would you expect a higher %AlC Vol?

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You can only go off the SG readings. [rightful]


That said, your current SG looks a bit high and an addition of 200g dextrose/sucrose won't hurt the cause.


This brew should produce an alcohol content around the 4.0 to 4.5% mark, assuming it is primed and secondary fermented.



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