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pale ale help


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i have a few things laying around just want advice,


1x coopers pale ale can 1.7kg

1x coopers amber malt 1.5kg

1x BIAB LHBS (mix pale ale)

1x 12g cascade hops

1x BE1

Can i use BE1 with these and would it be a good brew.[joyful]


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i have a few things laying around just want advice,


1x coopers pale ale can 1.7kg

1x coopers amber malt 1.5kg

1x BIAB LHBS (mix pale ale)

1x 12g cascade hops

1x BE1

Can i use BE1 with these and would it be a good brew.[joyful]

I'd leave out the brew in a bag stuff. The rest would be plenty of malts. I'd also pitch 2 sachets of the cooper's ale yeast to handle all that. 1 sachet's worth might stress the yeast in all that malt. Def brew to 22-23L. Also,do a hop tea in the brew kettle water for 15 minutes to help balance the sweetness that will ensue. Use 30g of hop pellets in the kettle,another 30g hops to dry hop when FG is reached for maximum effect. This bit about adding hops after initial fermentation allows the hop oils to cling to the settling yeast. Then they're lost.

I've done my pale ales a few different ways,But def dry hop after FG is reached. It tastes way better. I used 30g of Kent Golding in the kettle last time,with 30g Willamette for the dry hop. Wow! Was that good!

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You already have plenty of sugar in the BE1.


FYI - A list of ingredients of BE1 and some other Coopers ingredients:


Dextrose - Dextrose


Brewing Sugar - 80% Dextrose + 20% Maltodextrin


Brew Enhancer 1 - 60% Dextrose + 40% Maltodextrin


Brew Enhancer 2 - 50% Dextrose + 25% Maltodextrin + 25% Light Dry Malt


Light Dry Malt \u2013 100% Light Dry Malt


Personally, I don't use brew enhancers. You have most of the ingredients to make a good beer but you could do with some extra hops as per Leonards suggestions. You could almost make my Amber 100 recipe but would need some hops.


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thanks Muddy,

thinking with all the other stuff i may leave the BE1 out, and i was thinking of of using 30g motueka @ and 3 or4. cheers for the link gives hope this will work.


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