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Wheat Beer OG


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Have had low OG's before which in the past have put down to lack of mixing.

Just put down a 3kg ESB Bavarian Wheat mixed to 20L. However OG came in at 1042, that surprised me would of expected more. And yes I did mix the hell out of it this time.!!

With my calculations even mixing short by 3L water with bottling it's only just hitting 5%

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Perhaps a query best posed to ESB.

Doesn't sound too low. Actually at the low range for the style (1044-1052).

Reading at 20C? If not, are you making a temp correction to your reading?


Stick to quality, proven ingredients next time (COOPERS)

Their Hefeweizen recipe in the "How to Brew" section is a fine beer. Have one in the keg now. (Cheaper, too)

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Without knowing the full recipe, one just can't tell if it is too high or low.[roll] Nevertheless, I recommend brewing for your own taste and not necessarily the alcohol content.


I have a nice little brew that doesn't even hit the 4% mark and it is yummy!!... bare in mind, when kegging you do not get the added .5% that you do when bottling for obvious reasons. Yes kegging has its good points and this is probably the only bad point I can think of.

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