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Keg storage and usage


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Im thinking of going into kegs but im insure the life span of the brew in kegs... can u put it into a keg after 1st ferment and can u store it un till u want to drink it. like have 1 on tap and 2 stored away, and how long will it last..

with the keg on tap how long does it last before the brew turns..[unsure]

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I am not too sure how long you can store home brewed beer. But if you keep your keg in a cool dark place, it will last a lot longer than in the open. Also make sure your keg ( I am assuming it is a stainless steel one) is sealed properly, air will damage the beer.


I hope you get your beer storage right, best of luck to you

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Kegs will keep if carbed with Co2 as well.

You can do 2 things:

Burp your keg then store it and carbonate it when you are almost ready to use it or burp your keg, carbonate it then store it. It will keep provided it is correctly sealed and in a cool place with a consistant temp.


Just remember though that the warmer your beer gets then the more gas is released from the beer. i.e. if you carbonate it at a cool temp in the kegerater then remove it to store, some gas will come out of the solution as the temp rises in the keg to meet ambient room temps.

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