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OS Draught can

Stewie Rivers

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I made a Coopers OS Draught and added some Amarillo hops, boiled 15-20mins, then more at flame out steeped for 5 minutes and thrown into FV, I think I used BE1 and made to 21L. CHECK THIS LINK OUT FOR MORE DISCUSSION

I kegged it, and bottled the remaining into 3 longnecks. I have drunk 2 of the bottles and thought they were fantastic. I put the keg in the fridge last night and plan on having a jug or two tonight.


I also made an OSD just with BE1 and some LDM (about 200gms) and dry hopped with Amarillo after 5 days. Will be keggin it in a day or two. And on monday put down the Irish Ale (to recipe, a first for me I think) mentioned by Bill, which i had done before but with the OS Real Ale can, and it was a winner. Looking forward to all these beers coming good[happy] !

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