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brewing on the trub


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Just bottled up a 12 litre Mexican cerveza, so collected the yeast liquid as per Muddys steps. Though i have some hop residues, i'll live with it. Im going to start another cooper Mex cerveza in a few hours with the collected yeast from the trub.

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Started another Mexican Cerveza yesterday withe the yeast from the trub. Have to say the krausen on this brew is great thick and really white. Even better than the California liquid ale yeast i have used a few brews ago.


The trub yeast collected is producing a really strong ferment a lot better than rehydrating a dry yeast. Im impressed, going to do this again just wondering if the style of beer is changed how it will affect the final beer.

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How it will affect the final beer?? The outcome is likely to be variable each time.


In the first instance, each yeast sachet may have experienced different temperatures and be from a different batch, viability rates can vary from brew to brew. So this has an effect on the first iteration.


Considering every brew you (and I) make has some level of spoilage organisms (bacteria, wild yeast, etc.), each re-use will carry variable amounts of these organisms, likely to build in numbers with each iteration. There's also yeast mutation through sexual reproduction.

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