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I had a lot of trouble dissolving it, until I added the malt first, then water just off the boil, and picked up the fermenter and swirled vigorously for 5 minutes.

Works a treat, and as a bonus, it's good exercise for a puny guy like me...

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I tend to use a variety of methods with DME. If I'm doing a hops boil I'll stir the remainder in at the end and any clumps quickly disappear.


Other times I add it to the fermentor followed by hot or boiling water sometimes it clumps and sometimes it mixes fairly easily.


Another method I have had success with in recipes that also contain dextrose is to mix the dextrose and DME (In a container if the fermentor is wet) before adding water and this stops clumping.

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I was wondering if adding the heated water/whatever to the fermenter,then add the DME would allow it to disperse before it can clump up. I added my LME,then the brewer's sugar,then the heated water. It clumped up on me,& I had to stir it to get it to disperse.So,would that maybe make a difference?

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The recommended method is powder first, then water, and don't stir (it really makes the clumping worse). Swirl the fermenter instead.

It took me several brews to realise that these instructions are clearly written on the top of each box of light dry malt [pouty]

If you put water in, then the malt, then stir you are up the proverbial in my experience.

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