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Stuff in the beer


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Having bought the brew kit recently, I am working my way through different beer kits. As my second brew, I have just bottled a batch of real ale. (At the opposite end of the bitternes scale from the Lager.)


Unfortunately, in the last 15 bottles (of ~60), there is a dark residue whirling around the bottle. My best guess is that it is residue from the krausen, that has accidently falled into the brew. I may have knocked the fermenter around or something. It looks rather unappetizing, although I am guessing it will eventually fall to the bottom, once the yeast settles.


Two questions:

- Can I restart the process, filtering the beer, and then rebottle? (and should I then add new carbonation drops? I bottled yesterday.)


- Or can I just ignore it, and wait for the beer to settle down?


Batch number three is the dark ale, which is in the fermenter now. Looking good too.





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