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Leffe Blonde Recipe

Alex v

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Hi fellow brewers,


Does anyone have a recipe for a Leffe Blonde clone? It is a real favourite of mine so I am pretty keen to hear any input and information that could be useful.



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Just ran this through beertools,

Belgiums are a fav of mine (though I prefer Dubbels), make your own candi sugar (instructions linked) and dont scrimp on the yeast its what makes a Belgium (you can always harvest it a few times for future brews)


Theres a suggestion of wheat in a Leffe blonde but theres a possibility that its a profile coming from the yeast.

I find orange rind and corriander are great with Abbey yeasts.


This is a simple extract recipe, make upto 23L and brew at 20\xb0c


2 tins Coopers liquid Light Extract

1.2kg Dry Light Extract

0.25kg Carapils steeped

0.5kg Candi Sugar Clear

55g Hallertauer 60 min

15g Saaz 15 min

15g Saaz boiled 1 min

Yeast : WYeast 1214 Belgian Abbey


Original Gravity 1.066 - 100%

Terminal Gravity 1.011 - 100%

Color 5.53 - 100%

Bitterness 25 IBU - 100 %

Alcohol (%volume) 7.3 % - 100%

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