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Wheat Beer with Orange Blossom Honey....


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Hey Guys,


Pitched a Wheat Beer couple nights ago, Fermenting beautifully and looking forward to the outcome. Thought I'd share....


1.7kg can Thomas Coopers Wheat Beer

500g Light Dry Malt

300g Dextrose

100g Wheat grain steeped for 60 min, added and sparged @ 5 min

500g Organic Orange Blossom Honey (from the Riverland)@ 5 min

15g Hallertau Hops @ 0 min

15g Thinly diced orange peel pieces @ 5 min

15g ground Coriander seeds @5 min

10g Safbrew WB-06 yeast (pitched at 25deg)


I mixed the can Wheat beer, LDM + Dextrose in a simmering pot for 60mins.

Placed the Wheat grain in a pot of previous boiled water at the beginning of the cook and let sit for 60 min.

5 Min before the end of the cook, strained the grain into the pot, sparged with hot water and discarded the grain.

Added the orange, coriander ('courtesy of Wiki'...Coriander seeds are used in brewing certain styles of beer, particularly Belgian wheat beers. The coriander seeds are used with orange peel to add a citrus character) and then added the honey.

Added Hops to pot at end of cook and let the covered pot sit in a sink of cold water for about 10 min.

Poured a couple litres of water into FV and added the contents of the pot to the FV. Topped up to 20 litres stirring continuously.

Pitched yeast at 25deg and fermenting at 21deg.

OG was 1058. It has been 30 hours now and there is a 3inch Krausen and a lot of turbulence going on inside the FV.... looks and smells great!!!

Will keep you posted on this one.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Wayno, i am very keen to hear how this turns out, very, very keen! I imagine it might be getting bottled soon, let us know how it goes. Actually, let me know how any of your previous wheat beers have gone....i love them but have been suffering a little temp related inconsistency recently....


looking forward to the update..

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Hi Ben,

Actually this is my first Wheat Beer! Sort of put the recipe together based on a Belgium style beer. I got the advice on here to use orange or a citrus honey, as I learnt that the Gum and Eucalypt honeys could give it a medicinal flavour [sick]


I bottled it a week ago and will be cracking one open this weekend coming (2 weeks), to see where its at?[tongue].


It actually ended up with a ABV of 7.5%. [surprised

I think the extra honey in the FV bumped up the alcohol content. It had a very 'full bodied' flavour and creamy texture with a bit of citrus in the tail when I stole a taste test while bottling!


Will post results after next weekend.



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