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Ginger Beer


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Hi all, I've just bottled a brew I'm describing as 'Bedford's Brown Ale'... 1x Cooper IPA can and 1.5kg Caramalt, mixed to 21 litres and brewed with yeast supplied at 18deg.


I have picked up another Coopers Ginger Beer kit and looking forward to making an alcoholic version this time. Was wondering if anyone has made it with malt & hops?


I ask this as I (mis)spent many Uni summer holidays days in NZ drinking Montieth's Summer Ale which, as the name suggests, is a fantastic seasonal beer. I guess it could be described as a full strength ginger beer shandy. Not a session beer as it is a wee bit sweet, but will definitately kick start an evening. Great for after work on the deck...


I'm toying with the idea of the following recipe:

1x ginger beer kit

500gms LDME

1 Cascade hops teabag steeped 15 mins

1 Cascade hops teabag dry addition

yeast supplied

mixed to 18 litres


Also I was wondering if anyone has ever tried making the Coopers Ginger Beer kit as a toucan with another beer kit? Perhaps an OS lager or draught?


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated?

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Robbo, I've made the coopers ginger beer in the past with a nip of bundy in each bottle, that rocks your world, but when your drinking a whole brew in a sitting it dosen't help.


when i first started brewing i used to play around with ginger beer some brews were better that others but i didn't take notes, i did once mix a Draught with a Ginger beer as the fermentable sugar, it smelt great but it was to most bitter brew i ever made, i think i stuffed something along the way. i have always wanted to give it another go, let me know how it goes.


Dave NT

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Of the 2,I'd say the OS draught is def way too bitter. I'd use the OS lager with the Ginger beer can. Some spicy hops are def in order, But the lemon grass quality of Kent Golding would be quite nice as well with the lemon oil flavors in fresh ginger. Something to contemplate while kickin it in the shade with a home brew!...

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