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Capping tool for screw tops


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Hi all,




Silly me, I 'd realise until recently that Cooper's king browns are screw tops. Question is can I use these for bottling and if so can anyone recommend a capping tool?









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I'd recommend investing in a bench capper. They cost about $50 or so, but I've bottled more than 1000 bottled of homebrew and never broken one. The brand I've got is Superautomatica from Italy.




Friends that have the type of capper that you whack with a mallet are always complaining about broken bottles.




Even the lever cappers seem to break the occasional bottle.

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Will vouch for Olivers post. Bench capper is the only way to go with screw top bottles ( largies or echoes ) You use as much pressure as you need to get the cap to seal without chipping or breaking the bottle.

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I concur, dad used to bottle with a mallet style bottle capper and I can remember broken glass and beer all over the place. When I purchased my first home brew kit it came with the double handle style lever capper and it used to neatly snap the top of the bottles off, especially with the thinner necked screw tops. I invested in a bench capper and its wonderful, don't think I have broken a bottle since then, although I try to use the crown seal bottles I hav in preference to twist tops.

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