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This is more aimed at the coopers boys. Can i use any of the following chemicals for steralising/sanitising home brew stuff. I don't know if they are too toxic or not. If i can use them,how much woud i need to dilute? i.e chemical/water ratio. I got as much info of the chemicals as i coud.




Hyperchlor wich is a potassium hydroxide solution 10<30%. It's a foaming chlorinated alkaline detergent.




Process 732n is a chlorinated sanitiser. Chemical name : dichloroisocyanuric acid. salt >60%




maybe you guys use this stuff at the brewery too?


Any help from anyone is appreciated. Cheers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ran these chemicals by the brewers and they were concerned about the dangerous nature of the chemicals.




lt is best that the home brewer stick to safer chemicals such as normal unscented household bleach which is a source of sodium hypochlorite.

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I with Jazman on this subject. I've used bleach and other cleaners in previous years, but have been using the ortho phosoric acid for well over a year now. This gear does not produce any nasty smells or fumes, it is used within the dairy industry, and the best part is it won't harm the yeast in your brew. Cheers

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for the insight paul and co. Just thought i coud use those chemicals because i work in the food industry and thats what we use to clean (leave on overnight and rinse in the morning) besides metabysulphate. (think thats how its spelt)




Any body know where i can get this wonderful ortho phosoric acid from? i live in south of the coopers state.



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  • 1 month later...

G,day All.




I go along with Steve. I empty the bottle into a jug, then rinse with hot water before I have a drink! I use a few squirts of Brew-Shield (hydrogen peroxide & silver ions) from a spray bottle and tip it out, no need to rinse again, before refilling. No problems yet.




Cheers, John.

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