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Ideas for a Real Ale can.


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Hi guys.


Just got a delivery from Coopers, have a problem. The Coopers Real Ale can has a very small split in it and needs to be used ASAP. Looking for any thoughts on a good brew to put down.


Being a newbie to brewing I'm not looking at anything to over the top but something that might spice up the standard recipe.


I also have LDM, Tomas Coopers Amber malt extract, TC's Light malt extract, plenty of Dextrose to go around.


Any suggestions would be great.




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I would probably go with the thomas coopers amber or light malt extract (personally I would choose the amber, but only because I like darker coloured beers). Should produce a good beer, but I would also strongly recommend dry hopping or making a hop tea with a teabag of goldings hops, which I think really lifts this kit as it has no aroma or flavour hop additions.

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I have to second biermoasta's suggestion. I like darker ales myself. Like amber to copper color. But 60g of hops would make a decent balance if you use the lower AA% hops. Like Fuggles,Kent Golding,Willamette,or Czech Saaz.

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