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Chill haze! how did I get it? Will it clear?


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My 1st ever brew and according to my readings I have chill haze in my brew. Heres the run down.

Coopers lager 1.7kg kit that came with fermenter and 1kg coopers dextrose also came with fermenter. Brewed as per instructions at 21deg for 10 days bottle primed using coopers carb drops and stored at 21deg for another 14 days. Was feeling really proud as it was looking crystal clear. Then I put it in the fridge and BAM it went cloudy!!!! Why? And will it clear?

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I'm finding my beers are good at 3-4 weeks carbonating/conditioning at 70F. Then 5 days in the fridge. The haze up as soon as they chill down from yeast still in suspension. After 5 days,the yeast settles out further,& the beer clears up again. The small amount of settlings on the bottom firms up to where you can pour off more beer as well.

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