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Speciality Grains & gravity points.


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I am back brewing some midstrenght beers again, iam doing Pilsener's, Wheat beers & pale ales, mostly with pretty good results I am starting to crank up the use of speciality grains, carapills, light medium & dark crystal depending on the batch.

I plan on using 400 to 500gs of speciality grains per batch & I am curious as to how much this inclusion might boost the overall abv. My presumption was it wouldn't add much, but this might help when building recipes ideas, & I should mention I am trying to keep batch's around 3-4%abv.

So I have a few questions:

1) How many gravity points would 500g of speciality grains boost the overall abv?

2) How many gravity points would 1kg of speciality grains boost the overall abv?

*The second question being more for educational purposes. 




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