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Honey as a brewing sugar


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Greeting all


I'd like to try adding honey to experiment with lager styles. I understand that there are issues with how to prepare the honey and how/when to add it to the brew.


I was considering adding about 250g in addition to a 750g on good quality brewing sugars.


Any thoughts??

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**admin note** topic is not related to commercial Coopers beer - moved to correct room.




Honey off the supermarket shelf may be treated in the same way as liquid malt extract - just add it to the brew and mix.


There is some discussion about honey here.


As an example, there is a recipe using honey in the How To Brew section.

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I am going to brew the Mexican Cerveza for my next batch and was thinking of boosting the alcohol content by adding some agave nectar with the rest of my fermentable ingredients. It has a taste that is very comparable to honey but much lighter in flavor and texture. I want to increase the abv and flavor of the brew by adding:

300 g of light dry malt

300 g of BE2

300 g of Agave Nectar

to one can Cerveza with kit yeast filled to 23 L.


Please let me know if this sounds like a bad recipe, I'll post the results as soon as patiently possible (ASAPP)



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