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reculturing from yeast cake


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A cut-and-paste from the HomeBrewing FAQ column in Beer and Brewer Magazine Issue 8 (Autumn 2009):


Q. Can I re-use the yeast left behind in the fermenting tub, if so, how many times?


A. The process of fermentation not only transforms the wort into beer but it is also a \u201cyeast farm\u201d. As such, the yeast may be harvested and pitched into another brew (a common practice for commercial breweries). Harvest the yeast from a brew that smells and tastes okay. With about centimetre or so of beer remaining in the fermenting tub, swirl it gently to resuspend as much yeast as possible without cracking the yeast bed. Draw the slurry off into a sanitised jar to use immediately or store in the fridge for up to a week, maybe longer (smell it to check its integrity). The yeast may be re-used in this manner several times (although 3 is my limit). Be mindful that each iteration is likely to introduce more wild yeast, mutations and other organisms as well as reducing its ability to attenuate properly.


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