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History of Beer


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I just read:


Thus in Hamburg per capita consumption increased from an average of 300 liters per year in the 15th century to about 700 in the 17th century.


Considering that people didn't live long and had many kids, most people would have been too young to drink, so average adult consumption was significantly highersideways


I'm only drinking about 1.6 litres a day, which puts me at about 550 litres per annum....The ancestors would be disappointed.

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I had conducted my research previously on impact of alcohol on youthful. When I do my essay today I usually collect all materials, and I found out that many scientists claim to believe that beer is very dangerous. I will bring one research work results - those who have been devouring alcohol for quite a while and who hence show side effects running from liver harm to different sorts of malignancy, melancholy and disarranges of the sensory system.

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