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The recipie is as per the can. I used BE2 but i also added what is called a Euro - Pac. My local brew shop has these little bags that weigh 250gm. They are full of what looks horse feed to be honest. Hops and grain and stuff i think. But they sell different sorts for different beers. She said to add this at the start. I did what she said which was simmer the pack for 15min in near boiling water then strain into the fermenter then pour another litre of boiling water through the strainer again and prepare rest of the brew as normal. The brew has now nearly stopped fermenting i think, its at 1010 and the greeny scum is just around the edges now. It seems fine i think. Any thoughts?

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If the recipe were "as per the can" you would have used just the can contents and Brew Enhancer 2, mixed to 23litres, pitched the yeast supplied and fermented at 21C or less. :wink:




Anyway, the extra pack probably has a type of hop, some of which has gathered around the top of the brew. Very little of it will transfer across to the bottles.




If you have a 1010 reading over a couple of days you should be right to bottle.

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I always use hops in the fermenter and they settle out nicely.


Nothing to worry about!




If you have a big enough coffee plunger chuck your "horse feed" :lol: in there. They work nicely too. You don't want the grain husks in the fermenter or you might pick up some off flavours.







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