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First Brew hmmm :/


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I started my first brew last night, i was trying to be quiet to not wake anyone probly didn't help, it took me atleast 30minutes to mix everything through, I Didn't buy anything i just used what comes in the pack. I am curious to know the dvd says you need to get the yeast in asap and it should take about 20 minutes, is 30minutes + going to affect my brew, also it said to sprinkle the yeast evenly but nothing about stirring it in should it be stirred or not sure it should be, my Original Gravity Reading was 38 is that abnormal or normal? Finally should i be stirring the brew each day or just leaving it be?


Cheers lads

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Congratulations on joining us.

30 minutes is fine. I generally make my brew and pitch the yeat the next day. I brew from scratch so need to get the temperature down to an appropriate level.

Don't need to stir the yeast in but if you did it won't hurt.

OG of 1038 is probably about right. Gravity readings are affected by the temperature of the liquid you are testing.

Leave your brew alone. Possibly don't even look at it for a week. It will be fine.




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I generally make my brew and pitch the yeat the next day.


I hope you're a no-chilling AG'er B10, otherwise you be playin' wit fire boyeeee.


Pitch ASAP. Never leave wort at room temp without inoculation for too long. Pitching at 30c is way better than leaving your wort to cool for 12 hours with no yeast in it.

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My brews averaging a 25degree temp


Hey Damo

That's a little bit high, make sure it doesn't go any higher. Most (conditioned) home brewers aim for 18 degrees for their Ales (The Coopers OS Lager is actually an Ale as it is brewed with an Ale yeast).


Don't panic about the temp too much, but just remember that your first beer won't be your best, most likely it will be one of the worst. As you learn more on this forum and the net and refine your skills your brews will continue to get better and better.

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