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Pimping Euro Lager/ TC Pils


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Hi all,


I have brewed the TC Pilsner a couple of times and it's one of the best kits I have done. I kegged a Coopers Euro lager a couple of weeks ago and snuck a taste last night (uncarbonated and warm!) and I was impressed with how clear and tasty it is already.


Has anyone added any steeping grains etc to these fine kits to improve them further? I was thinking some carapils would go well - are there any others?


To date I have just added some saaz hops and in the case of the Euro I just did the kit and BE2.



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I did a Chimay blue style on the weekend. After boiling the DME with 4 litres of water for 35mins and adding 40g of Hallertau and 25g of Goldings then at flame out i added 50g of crushed black grain and left it sit for 20mins then strained it into my brew of 4litres of water 1.5k LME and some other sugars topped to 15litres. Cant say what it tastes like yet but it sure smells good

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Paul, Carapils would be your best bet.


If you want to maintain a very light colour and minimal change to the flavour then there aren't a lot options with regards to specialty grains.


You could try Carahell or Caramunich I if you wanted a maltier flavour like an Oktoberfest style.


If you are happy with the 'stanndard' lager/pilsner then you should go with the Carapils and keep playing around with the noble hops you've been using.

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