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Fat Yak

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Evening Gents,

Just this arvo prepared a fat yak clone, following a few threads on this 'ere forum. Just had a few questions,

1 x 1.2 kg Cooper PA

1 x 1.5kg light liquid malt

300g Dextrose

Nelson Sauvin - 20g @ 10min and 15g at 0min with another 10 or 15g to go in Tues or Wednesday

Cascade - 20g @ 10min and 15g at 0min with another 10 or 15g in with the Nelson


Now here's where it gets dodgy, i haven't been able to take an OG having misplaced the hydrometer so have bottled a little sample to test when i can find one (i tried Big W Brooky for a replacement...do they have no shame)


Now in my haste to cool off the boil, i filled my fermenter accidently to 24.5 L. Is this much of an issue and will it cause any drama (apart from having a slightly lower OG that planned)? Will flavour or aroma be affected?


i was cussing and calling myself names...this is high pressure stuff


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